When it comes to divorce, it’s important to know that you have process options. While a traditional divorce through litigation has been the most common proceeding for decades, a newer divorce model is creating much-needed change. Collaborative Divorce is becoming more popular not only in North Carolina and across the nation, but also internationally – and for good reason. At my Charlotte-based law firm, ROAD to RESOLUTION, we focus on divorce mediation and collaborative family law. As an experienced family law attorney, I truly believe that there are endless benefits to choosing Collaborative Divorce, including the ability to save time and money due to the following factors:
Avoiding a courtroom
Collaborative Divorce is an alternative dispute resolution that keeps the divorcing couple and their children out of court. The process allows spouses to untangle the business of their marriage without entering a courtroom. By avoiding court, spouses and their attorneys don’t rely on a court calendar or a judge’s schedule, which can often get delayed. When these types of external resources aren’t needed, avoiding a courtroom can also save money.
Agreeing to the process
When a divorcing couple agrees to a Collaborative Divorce, they sign a participation agreement with their collaboratively-trained attorneys. This details the process and scope of the matter. When spouses sign this document, they agree to stay out of court and work together, with their attorneys, to reach a resolution. Having this understanding establishes a problem-solving model that keeps the family’s best interest as the focus.
Enabling efficiency
During a Collaborative Divorce, the parties can establish a parenting agreement, untangle their finances, and distribute their belongings during the required one-year separation period and before the filing for divorce. This means that once the required one-year separation is over, the divorce, which is the legal dissolution of the marriage, becomes the last step of the collaborative process. Since the divorcing couple committed to the Collaborative Divorce process, including the respectful roundtable discussions with their attorneys, they are able to focus on the outcome and use their time strategically. A main goal of Collaborative Divorce is to not take more time or use more resources than needed to achieve the desired outcome.
ROAD to RESOLUTION is committed to helping divorcing spouses save time and money while avoiding unnecessary emotional turmoil. To learn more about the benefits of Collaborative Divorce for you and your family, feel free to reach out to my legal team. Our Charlotte-based law firm would be honored to serve you.
Note: This feature is intended to be informational only and shall not be construed as legal advice.
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