Prepare for Your Ever After: Pre “I Do” Education with ROAD to RESOLUTION

Robin M. Mermans, Esq
June 21, 2024

Marriage is a ceremony, a declaration of your love, the start of a new life chapter, and… a legal contract. It’s an exciting time, but do you fully understand the legal agreement you and your partner are about to enter into together?

At ROAD to RESOLUTION, we believe in empowering couples with the knowledge they need to build a strong foundation for their marriage. Let’s look at how our Pre “I Do” Education can help you and your soon-to-be spouse make confident decisions about your legal union and your future. 

It’s All About Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. During our Pre "I Do" Education, we create a guided forum for the couple-to-be. You share your aspirations, and we give you the education you need to understand how marriage will legally affect your personal, financial, and professional goals. 


We help couples like you talk about their financial values and understand the legal impact of your nuptials. By proactively addressing your financial concerns, you can minimize conflicts about money and start working toward a secure and prosperous future together.

Assets and Debt: ROAD to RESOLUTION will help you understand the financial responsibilities couples hold toward each other, including the management of shared assets and the legal implications marriage can have on debt. With our guidance, couples gain a better understanding of how to approach these financial intricacies, so they can make informed decisions for their collective financial well-being.

Taxes and Insurance: Our program sheds light on how marriage affects your taxes and insurance, giving couples the knowledge needed to navigate these aspects of their financial futures. 

Property and Real Estate: Whether discussing joint property ownership, mortgage considerations, or rental agreements, we provide couples with the tools to make property-related decisions together, with confidence and clarity.

Professional Expectations

Marriage is the merging of two lives, including their professional ones. Couples will explore topics like career goals, work-life balance, support for each other's professional endeavors, and potential challenges that may arise related to careers. By having these conversations early on, couples can gain a deeper understanding of each other's aspirations and start to develop a plan to support each other's growth and success. 


Couples will explore their individual values, expectations, and goals related to starting a family, raising children, and nurturing familial bonds. By fostering open and honest communication about family aspirations, couples can align their visions for the future and cultivate a supportive and loving family environment from the outset of their marriage.

Take the First Step Toward an Informed Future Together

You shouldn’t sign a contract that you don’t fully understand, and that includes marriage. At ROAD to RESOLUTION, we want to educate you on the legal considerations of marriage so you can enter yours with confidence. Reach out to us today to start a real conversation about your future as a married couple.

Robin M. Mermans, Esq
Founder and Principal Attorney

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